Customer Stories with OmniPanel

OmniPanel lands big clients with video prospecting

The challenge: introducing a startup to a rapidly evolving space

OmniPanel is an analytics platform that surfaces key user insights from customer support tickets to help everyone in a company better understand how their work affects end users.

While the categories of Analytics and CX are growing rapidly, OmniPanel is a startup striving to redefine how companies bring the users voice into their decision making processes.

Two-time Head of Sales and founding team member at OmniPanel, Chris Draper, knows that as a new player, you have to work twice as hard to establish your presence in a space. Prospective customers haven’t heard of you, so it’s up to you to show them that you’re legitimate and better than what they already know. 

The solution: personalized video emails 

When it comes to building trust online, a human touch goes a long way. Chris started using Sendspark to increase engagement and personalization throughout the sales process. 

Now, in his emails, he can show that he is a human — and worth listening to! 

I love the confidence I feel when sending a really good video that I know provides value,” Chris says. “We feel night and day better with our overall funnel now that we are leveraging Sendspark. That’s been a big driver for us.

Chris has had video on his mind for a long time, and he chose Sendspark because it was so easy to use. In seconds, he can make great-looking videos, link to his calendar, and share in Gmail or Hubspot Sequences. 

Where video fits into the sales process

Chris’s sales funnel is designed to add value over time. After months of iteration, Chris has landed on a 14-touch funnel that spans 25 business days. 

Early in the funnel, Chris has a 55-second templated Sendspark video that introduces OmniPanel and its category. 

This video is crucial to building a human relationship and differentiating his outreach from other sales emails.

“Hey X,

Made a quick video for you, thought it'd be better than a boring email:

Let me know if you'd like to discuss further or try it out yourself.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon,


As the days go by, Chris continues to engage prospective clients with follow-up emails, LinkedIn connections, and strategic content pieces. 

The 11th touchpoint is a custom 2-minute video for each prospective customer. This personalized video goes above and beyond to show prospective clients exactly how OmniPanel can help them. 

“Hey X

Hope you're having a great (Month).  Was doing some further research on (Name of Company) and loved your piece in (content), especially surrounding (in relation to content).  Reading this inspired me to create a custom video for you specifically:

Would love to find some time this week/next to discuss how we can be helpful to one another - here's a link to my calendar if easier.

Looking forward to hearing from you,


The two video emails work well in tandem. Both contribute to the goal of adding value and creating a trusted digital entity — and both generate sales meetings!

The results: booking big clients

Sendspark helps us increase the level of humanization, personalization, and trust in our prospecting emails to establish ourselves in the space and land big clients.

One of the first videos Chris sent went to the co-founder of a large, publicly traded company. He watched the video 10 times, booked a demo on the call-to-action right under the video, and quickly became OmniPanel’s largest customer at the time. 

And this proved to be typical. The click-to-conversion rate from watching a video to scheduling a demo is 21%. 

And the engagement level increases dramatically. Not only do prospects watch videos three to five times — on nights, weekends, and with their teams — but they also engage more with other emails that Chris sends out. 

This increase in engagement is key for Chris to bring more eyes on the value he is trying to provide and become a thought leader in the space. 

More than just prospecting

Chris finds value in videos throughout the entire sales process. Once he has videos created, he can plug and play them in other places. They become part of the sales deck and key tools for moving deals through the funnel. 

In addition to prospecting, Chris uses videos for following up after demos, responding to customer questions, and creating content for LinkedIn. 

Results Recap

After implementing Sendspark, OmniPanel was able to...

  • Increase email engagement by close to 20%
  • Build credibility and personalization for their startup in a competitive space
  • Land big customers through email 

Is Sendspark right for you?

If you’re a new player in a crowded space, or working to establish your digital presence, you have to do a lot to get people to see the value of your product. 

Sendspark gives you an easy way to stand out from the hundreds of other emails your prospects receive. In seconds, you can differentiate yourself, show value, and build a personal connection. 

Get started for free to start landing big clients today. 

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Sendspark helps sales and marketing teams stand out and connect to customers with personalized video messages.