Customer Stories with Userpilot

Userpilot tripled newsletter engagement with blog teasers

The challenge: making “click-worthy” content

Userpilot helps teams increase user adoption by allowing them to trigger the right in-app experience to the right persona at the right stage of their user journey. While Userpilot - of course - has an incredible user experience for anyone who signs up for their platform, they need to educate people on why they should upgrade their user experience. 

An important first step of the funnel is blog content. Emilia Korczynska, Marketing Manager at Userpilot, writes long-form content to educate prospective customers on product adoption. When prospective customers consume blog content, they “get it” better, and are more receptive to product demos. 

To include all of the right information, these blog posts are ~3,500 words. This means a great blog post might take 10 minutes to read, so people often need some convincing before committing the time to consume the content. Emilia knows her audience is busy, and if they decide to “come back to later when they have time,” they will never have time, and the moment is lost. 

Emilia needed a little something extra to capture attention, improve click-through-rates, and make her blog posts seem with reading now. 

The solution: bringing blog posts to life with video

For every blog post, Emilia records a short video summary of herself talking through the blog post to engage with readers. These help viewers get the gist of the post, before they decide to invest the time commitment in reading. 

Unlike the very polished blog posts, the videos are intentionally not scripted. Emilia simply records herself talking through the interesting points.

The video complements the full blog post. While the blog post is technical and detailed, the video is conversational and animated. She can also show her attitude towards issues - so viewers can really feel her perspective, why it matters so much, and have fun engaging with it. 

Video Newsletter

The results: 300% increase in email engagement

After recording the video, Emilia will send both the video and link to the blog post in a newsletter via Drip

The video is what captures recipients’ attention. The click-through-rate on the video is usually 2-3x higher than on the link to the blog post. A direct link might get around a 0.6% CTR, while the video gets a 1.7%.

Emilia also shares the Sendspark blog teasers on social media, where they generate more engagement. After watching the video, many viewers go on to read to the full blog post too, so this opens up a new funnel. 

Sendspark videos work as pre-boarding. If prospective customers watch the videos, then they understand why they need our product better, and are more receptive to demos.

Why Sendspark?

Emilia uses Sendspark for a few reasons:

  • Sendspark is effortless. She can record and share the video in less than 5 minutes.
  • Unlike YouTube, Sendspark is built like a funnel. She can capture attention in email, and convert viewers with a call-to-action after the video.
  • Sendspark works perfectly with her email platform (Drip)
  • The GIF previews in email are super engaging
  • The branded landing pages look great

More use cases around the org

While video is a key staple for newsletter engagement, Userpilot leverages Sendspark in more ways throughout the customer journey. Aazar Ali Shad, Head of Growth for Userpilot, also uses Sendspark to add a human touch to customer outreach and onboarding. 

He often makes personalized videos for individuals he is working with, and keeps a video in his signature to humanize all of his communications. 

Video Signature

What’s next?

Next up, Userpilot is launching Product Adoption School, which is an evergreen lead magnet. They will be embedding videos in each of the 7 lessons to educate prospecting customers on how they can improve retention and reduce churn.

(Interested in improving your retention and reducing churn? Check out Userpilot’s Product Adoption School now!)

Results Recap

After implementing Sendspark, Userpilot has been able to...

  • Increase email click-through-rates 3x
  • Showcase themselves as thought leaders in the space
  • Make leads more receptive to product demos 

Is Sendspark right for you?

For content marketers to establish yourself as a thought leader and boost engagement, Sendspark can help you easily create short-form videos your audience will love. Create a Sendspark account to increase your email engagement today. 

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