Make Personalized Video Emails

See up to 300% more email replies, clicks and conversions with tailored video outreach.

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Video Email

Engage Customers Across Their Journey

Video Prospecting

Reach Out to Prospects

Warm up cold emails with personalized videos to introduce yourself. 

Video Welcome Email

Convert Marketing Leads

Introduce account managers with videos emails to schedule more sales meetings. 

Video Follow Up

Follow Up After Meetings

Put a face to the name to solidify the relationship and confirm important details. 

Video Onboarding

Onboard New Customers

Share value and build long-lasting relationships with video. 

Video Celebration

Celebrate Milestones

Celebrate exciting events - like them customers passing tests, upgrading accounts, or having anniversaries. 

Video Update

Share Company Updates

Share company announcements featuring your product team, CEO, or glorious self. 

Send Personalized Video Emails

Featured Image

Select Your Video

Record, request or upload the video that you would like to send out. 

Edit Your Video Landing Page

Create a video experience with your own logo, brand colors, and call-to-action.

Customize Your Video Thumbnail

This is what shows up when you share your video, before the video is clicked. 

Embed Video in Email

Copy & paste your video preview into an email draft on Gmail, Outlook or any email automation platform. 

Record or Upload Video

Select Your Video

Record, request or upload the video that you would like to send out. 

Video landing page Editor

Edit Your Video Landing Page

Create a video experience with your own logo, brand colors, and call-to-action.

Video Thumbnail Editor

Customize Your Video Thumbnail

This is what shows up when you share your video, before the video is clicked. 

Embed Video Email

Embed Video in Email

Copy & paste your video preview into an email draft on Gmail, Outlook or any email automation platform. 

Start Recording Today

Sendspark is the easiest way to record and request videos. Liven up your communication with video today!

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Video Recording Personalize At Scale Send Video Email Track Engagement
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