Build and Grow Customer Relationships with Video

Create engaging videos for clients to boost activation, spur product usage, and reduce churn with long-lasting relationships. 

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Customer Success Video

Engage Customers With Video

Send videos throughout the customer journey to increase activation, drive excitement, and reduce churn. 

Welcome Videos

Welcome New Sign Ups

Delight new customers with a personalized welcome video to show you care and are thrilled to have them onboard. 

Alberto Pina Braustin Mobile Homes

"Sendspark allows our team to bring a human element to the buyer journey."

Alberto Piña, Braustin Mobile Homes

Onboard New Customers

Let customers know the next step with video onboarding emails to ensure they get started properly and stick around for a long time.


higher open-to-reply ratio with video 💬

Customer Onboarding Video
Customer Feedback Video

Get Customer Feedback

Request videos from customers to have them share feedback with you to better improve their experience. 

Pro Tip: Send customers a Video Request to see what things look like from their end

Celebrate Milestones

Send a personalized video to celebrate big customer events - like them getting approval to move forward, upgrading their account, or having an anniversary.


of senior executives report they'd rather watch a video than read text

Celebration Videos
Check In Video

Check In With Customers

See how customers are doing and remind them you care with friendly video check ins. 

Michael Nadelman Qualaroo

“Sendspark is helpful for following up with customers with a human touch.”

Michael Nadelman Qualaroo

Update the Community

Show what's new with video to share the people behind the business and inspire long-lasting loyalty. 


more shares with video than image and text combined

Community Update Video

Record and Share Customer Videos

Sendspark has everything you need record and manage personalized customer success videos in seconds. 

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Record Videos

Record a hellos, check ins, and all kinds of videos right from your computer webcam.

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Personalize Video Thumbnails

Personalize videos with your customer’s name and logo to show it was made just for them.

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Add a Call-to-Action

Add a call-to-action right under your video to schedule customers meetings or provide links to new features. 

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Send Video Emails

Copy and paste videos directly into Gmail, Outlook, or your automation platform.

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Share through Messenger App

Share your video through slack, text message, anywhere with a quick-share link. 

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Request Videos from Customers

Request videos from customers to get feedback, issues, and testimonials in their own voice. 

Start Recording Today

Sendspark is the easiest way to record and request videos. Liven up your communication with video today!

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Video Recording Personalize At Scale Send Video Email Track Engagement
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