Video Marketing Made Easy

Make marketing videos in-house in minutes to engage your audience and convert new customers. 

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Marketing Video Platform

Humanize Your Brand

Add a personal touch to all your marketing with Sendspark - because people want to do business with people.

ABM Video

Account Based Marketing

Send personalized videos to target accounts to cut through the noise and spark genuine relationships online. 

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“Sendspark is a tool that sets me and my team apart. It's clean, easy to use, and the ROI is huge.”

Jermaine Malcom Digital Creative Institute

Convert Marketing Leads

Send video emails to introduce new sign ups or leads to their account managers and see a dramatic increase in meetings booked. 


higher email conversions with a video 🎯

Marketing Video
Welcome Video

Onboard New Customers

Use videos in your activation sequences to show new customers how they can get the most out of your product. 

Pro Tip: Request videos from customers to see where they need help. 

Nurture Leads

Engage leads over time with video touches that showcase customer stories, product features, and industry best practices. 


higher email opens when "video" is in the subject line 💌

Nurture Video
Testimonial Video

Get User Testimonials

Use Sendspark to request video testimonials from your customers, and share them over email, social, or your website. 

Alberto Piña, Braustin Mobile Homes

"Sendspark allows our team to bring a human element to the buying journey."

Alberto Piña Braustin Mobile Homes

Engage the Community

Share video updates and announcements to introduce your customers to the talented people behind the business.


more shares with video than with image and text combined

Community Engagement Video

Make Videos In-House

Sendspark has everything you need to create and share personalized videos with your leads and customers.

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Record Videos

Record, request, or upload a video to use in your marketing campaign. 

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Create Video Landing Pages

Create a video experience with your own logo, brand colors, and call-to-action.

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Customize Video Thumbnails

Customize the video thumbnail with a logo, caption, and timestamp.

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Send Video Emails

Send your video through Hubspot, Mailchimp, or any email platform.

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Request Videos & Testimonials

Easily collect user generated content and  testimonials.

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Track Video Engagement

See who’s watching your video with detailed video analytics. 

Start Recording Today

Sendspark is the easiest way to record and request videos. Liven up your communication with video today!

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Video Recording Personalize At Scale Send Video Email Track Engagement
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