Drive Sales with Personalized Video

Engage buyers throughout the sales cycle with personalized video introductions, follow ups, and product demos.

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Sales Videos

Spark Authentic Connections

Easily record and send personalized videos to build human relationships and be a better salesperson

Cold Video Email

Warm Up Cold Emails

Cut through the noise with personalized video emails that humanize your outreach and spark genuine connections.

Andrew Wood Go Smart Solar

"We had the best sales day of the year after our first Sendspark campaign."

Andrew Wood Go Smart Solar

Develop Sales Leads

Connect with free sign ups and marketing qualified leads with personalized videos to see a dramatic increase in sales conversations.


more sales meetings booked with a video 📆

Sales Video Email
Video Follow Up

Follow Up After Meetings

Follow up after meetings or events with video to confirm important details and put a face to the voice. 

Pro Tip: Send out a video reminder before the meeting to reduce no-shows.

Maintain Relationships

Keep in touch with contacts with friendly videos to ensure the spark stays alive. 


of senior executives report they'd rather watch a video than read text

Video Messages
Video Check In

Re-engage Ghosts

Re-spark relationships that have grown cold with a friendly video and reminder of how you can help your prospect. 

Alberto Piña, Braustin Mobile Homes

"Sendspark allows our team to bring a human element to the buying journey."

Alberto Piña Braustin Mobile Homes

Expand Accounts

Reach out to current customers with video to see how they are doing, and show other ways that you can help them achieve their goals. 


larger annual contract rates with video candences

Video Expansion

Send Sales Videos in Seconds

Sendspark makes it easy to record and share videos with your buyers, so you can spend your time where it counts. 

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Record Quick Videos

Record a quick video message from your webcam.

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Personalize at Scale

Add your buyer’s name and logo to show the video was made just for them. 

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Add a Call-to-Action

Schedule more sales meetings with a call-to-action right under your video.

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Send Video Emails

Copy and paste directly into Gmail, Outlook, or your automation platform.

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Share through LinkedIn or Text

Share your video anywhere with a quick-share link. 

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Track Video Engagement

See who’s watching your video with detailed video analytics. 

Start Recording Today

Sendspark is the easiest way to record and request videos. Liven up your communication with video today!

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Video Recording Personalize At Scale Send Video Email Track Engagement
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